Thursday, August 29, 2013

Insights in Exodus

Being the cool kids that we are, a group of us watched The Prince of Egypt the other night. I've seen it plenty of times and have always been impressed with the music and animation. But it was wonderful to watch it with a few of my fellow believers and truly be in awe of the great I AM.

I mean really...can you imagine? The risk and heartache Moses' mother had to endure to save her baby's life. How Moses must have felt when he realized he wasn't really an Egyptian prince but an Israelite slave. What it must have been like to see a bush on fire but not burning away and hear the audible voice of God emanating from it. To see the wonder and power and devastation of the plagues. And of course, my favorite part, getting to walk straight through the parted waters of the Red Sea on dry land...the most enormous aquarium ever!

It shows so much about faith.

Although Moses had a lot of it, he faltered and doubted and evaded God's plan and provision.

"O Lord, I have never been eloquent...I am slow of speech and tongue...please send someone else to do it." (Exodus 4:10, 13)

And those Israelites. I mean how many miracles did they have to see before they trusted Him fully??

But how hypocritical of me...If we're honest with ourselves, aren't we all that way? How many times have we enjoyed God's blessings and seen His leadership in our lives and witnessed His Providence and realized how He has rescued us from circumstances or from ourselves? Yet we are still so slow to believe...with faith even smaller than a mustard seed.

I'm like the father in Mark 9 who, when Jesus comes to rid his son of the evil spirit, says, "I do believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!"

I'd like to believe if I saw all that the Israelites and Egyptians witnessed in Exodus, I would never be able to doubt the miraculous power and sovereignty of my God. But even being eyewitnesses didn't seal their faith or ensure their faithfulness thereafter. 

But I need to just open my eyes to the miracles He's worked in my life and in the lives of those around me. He is still moving and working in mighty ways. He's not confined to our inerrant, centuries-old Book, although it is His Word to us. He is a living God who is mighty to save (Zephaniah 3:17).

And what was true in Moses' day is still true now. He cares for us and He will be with us (Exodus 3). He will fight for us.

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Exodus 14:14)

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